“There are many institutional and social barriers that hinder women’s political representation and quota system can be part of the solution”


  • Yuree Noh Rhode Island College
  • Ariel Finguerut Universidade de São Paulo, Grupo de Trabalho Oriente Médio e Mundo Muçulmano




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Biografia do Autor

  • Yuree Noh, Rhode Island College

    Yuree Noh is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rhode Island College and a Research Fellow
    at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Middle East Initiative at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, where she was previously a postdoctoral research fellow (2018-2019). She specializes in comparative politics of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Her research interests include electoral institution & manipulation, civil society, and gender politics in authoritarian regimes.




Como Citar

Noh, Y. (2020). “There are many institutional and social barriers that hinder women’s political representation and quota system can be part of the solution” (A. Finguerut , Trad.). Malala, Revista Internacional De Estudos Sobre O Oriente Médio E Mundo Muçulmano (RIEOMMM), 8(11), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2446-5240.malala.2020.179873