Bible: genealogical document of the fictitious framework.


  • Juan Manuel Díaz Lima Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



TV series, Bible, TV script, Narratology, Genealogical document


The theoretical framework that guides and conducts this study covers the creative process that precedes the writing of scripts to develop a fiction series, in this process a document called in professional jargon as a bible is established. There is a very obvious and palpable matter, which is the content of a bible itself, since in the same narration of a bible, the matter with which a story is configured is disclosed in a very detailed way and even more so this type of story that has been called by critics as a fragmented story. This context is essential to understand one of the hypotheses raised, which is based on the fact that the bible under its prosaic appearance (that is, its way in which it is written) constitutes itself as a chronicle of the genealogy of the narrative system may be valid in the industry television. The bible is a document that precedes the realm of fiction series, where the basic components of the entire narrative are specified, including the principles related to the characters, the action and the dramatic space. That is to say, it must be seen that the bible is a manifesto-text of the fundamental questions that give entity to a story, therefore: it constitutes it and gives it shape. In this way, it is proposed to understand this document as a primary and legitimate source for dramaturgical analysis in the television field.


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How to Cite

Lima, J. M. D. . (2021). Bible: genealogical document of the fictitious framework. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 45, 42-55.