The paratextuality in Nicodemos Sena – Indications of creation
Nicodemos Sena, Paratexts, Gérard Genette, Creation processAbstract
From the ideas of Gérard Genette, we will see on the margins of the text of Nicodemus Sena, the textual context that surrounds the novel itself. The elements surrounding the narrative are: cover, foreword, dedication, epigraph, Ear of the book, title and subheadings, author's name, summary, presentation, glossary. Elements that configure the text, in a sense, direct the reading and can process indexes of interpretations in relation to the text itself. Sena, a writer from Pará, writes from the perspective of aesthetics of the subject, of human relations, of the Amazonian poetic. And in the paratexts that surround his novel The waiting of the Never again – an Amazonian saga, we find indications of this aesthetics. Through genetic criticism and Genette's ideas, we will discuss how the paratexts indicate traces of a process of creation.
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