e-Imigrações as a work in progress
Digital literary creations, e-Imigrações, philosophy of artAbstract
The purpose of this article is to show how the transition from the initial intentions to the digital literary creation e-Imigraçõeshappened, presenting it as a work in progress and not how it can be read now, as an already achieved work (at https://www.editorainverso.com. br/digital-book). In a way, this can be understood as the dynamic translation of an abstract initial scheme into a creation that gradually becomes concrete. When we were constructing it, the first difficulty we encountered was the fact that it brought into dialogue three different languages (comics, verbal poetry and computer programming). This represented the constant threat of creating not one, but three distinct works that would not minimally dialogue with each other. In terms of the method of creation, this is the first obstacle to be faced, it is the first action to be taken in any digital literary creation. To discuss these issues that arose throughout the creation of e-Imigrations, in this article we explore our technical and creative documentation behind the work. In doing so, we make public the primary sources, so to speak, which are at the genesis of our creation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alckmar Luiz dos Santos, Rafael Soares Duarte, Vinícius Rutes Henning

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.