Rescriptures of the body: memory and archive in Christina Elias’ creative process
performance, body, rescriptures, archive, textAbstract
In this article the process of creation of the artist Christina Elias is analyzed according to the theory of rescriptures in the contemporary art developed by Arantes (2015). Memory in this context is assumed as a creative process in which the past is constantly rewritten in the present through the body and text as movement, Elias’s works are created in the space of passage between performance, video, installation and objects in a continuous process of rescriptures that operate in three aspects: the creative process itself, the objects that emerge from her works of art and the concepts that fundament them. The body, as a body-message, becomes the thread that ties different media and languages together into a network of meanings always in transformation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria Cristina Elias Meneghetti, Priscila Arantes

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