The documents of process in Saberes da Terra documentary: moving networks in development




Photography, Documentary, Genetic criticism, Anthotype, Process of creation


This paper aims to reflect upon the observation of the documents used to the process of the documentary Saberes da Terra (2020), from the genetic criticism stem of the semiotic basis studied by the brazilian researcher Cecilia Almeida Salles. Also, with the proposal of finding (in these documents) new meanings and configurations that will help in a new version of the film or that will inspire the creation of an artistic installation. The documentary, which has agroecological agriculture as its theme, is part of the ongoing research for the PHD in Media Arts at the University of Beira Interior, in Portugal. The creation of the anthotype photographic images, which are part of the documentary, is made by the food of the interviewed agroecological farmers. Therefore, the article seeks possibilities of dialogues among photography and the intersemiotic relations between the documents of process used in the creation of the documentary through the creation diaries, the digital files, the positive matrices and the anthotype catalog sheets.


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Author Biography

  • Daniela Corrêa da Silva Pinheiro, Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal)

    Fotógrafa e jornalista. Doutoranda em Media Artes na Universidade da Beira Interior-Portugal. Mestra em Artes visuais, UNICAMP/SP, na linha Poéticas Visuais e Processos de Criação.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, D. C. da S. (2022). The documents of process in Saberes da Terra documentary: moving networks in development . Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 47, 203-215.