On the threshold between letter, poetry and translation: a reading of Katherine Mansfield and Ana Cristina Cesar





Translation studies, Letters, Katherine Mansfield, Commented translations, Ana Cristina Cesar


This essay focuses on a specific practice: the translation of letters. To touch on this theme, the letter is described as an unstable and ambiguous textual genre — on the threshold between the document and literature, writing and orality, distance and presence — and we seek to understand how translation can walk alongside this instability, marking the mishaps that characterize epistolography, instead of hiding them in the target language. Based on the translation of Katherine Mansfield's letters into Portuguese (Editora Revan, 1996), translation choices that appease marks of the epistolary genre are analyzed and, taking into account the concept of untranslatable (CAMPOS, 1992), this text attempts a look at the translation of letters capable of understanding the notion of correspondence in the broad sense.


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Author Biography

  • Talissa Ancona Lopez, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Pesquisadora e tradutora. Mestranda em Linguística Aplicada na Unicamp (Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem).


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How to Cite

Ancona Lopez, T. (2023). On the threshold between letter, poetry and translation: a reading of Katherine Mansfield and Ana Cristina Cesar. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 48, 180-192. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2596-2477.i48p180-192