Report of an experience in facing a case of bullying with drama games as an active methodology for conflict resolution
Drama games, Art education, Bullying, Active teaching-learning methodologiesAbstract
The goal of this paper is to report how was the process of facing bullying in a private school in Hortolandia/SP. Faced with a serious case of bullying which affected a 9th grade student, it was decided with the coordinators to carry out workshops that used an active methodology to address the problem not only with students directly involved, but with all classes in the school. Thus, theater games workshops were held, using the MEET (Medical Education Empowered by Theater) methodology, working on the theme in an artistic way, encouraging critical thinking and welcoming of all people. The result was positive, in just one Week of Activities, Climate of Cooperativism and Intolerance with vexatious and discriminatory “Jokes” was created in the school, culminating in the resolution of the case of bullying that started the project.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marina Meyer Aguirre de Andrade, Letícia Rodrigues Frutuoso
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