“Que votre France est belle à n'en plus finir”: the composition process of the travel account Chão de França, by Ruy Ribeiro Couto
Ribeiro Couto, Correspondence, Travel account, Composition processAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the composition process of the travel account Chão de França by Rui Ribeiro Couto, based on the letters exchanged between the author and the editor of Cahiers du Sud magazine, Jean Ballard. Although the author's letters do not specifically address the process of creating the text, they provide valuable clues for researchers seeking to understand how the composition process took place. Couto relied on chronicles published in newspapers about his travels while serving as a diplomat in France. These clues are particularly important because, unlike other travel account authors, Couto did not write a preface to his book reflecting on the literary transposition of his travel experience. In this sense, the article contributes to the understanding of Ruy Ribeiro Couto's creative process and reflects on the nature of travel writing based on his personal correspondence.
Arquivo Cahiers du Sud, Bibliothèque Alcazar, Marseille.
Arquivo Ribeiro Couto, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro.
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