Egypt and Egyptology in the pan-African discourse of Amy Jacques Garvey and Marcus Garvey


  • Vanessa Davies Nile Valley Collective, Philadelphia



Amy Jacques Garvey, Marcus Garvey, Gamal Abdel Nasser, pan-Africanism, Egyptology, Egypt


Amy Jacques Garvey and Marcus Garvey argued for the Africanity of ancient Nile Valley cultures, in direct opposition to some academics. In early 20th-century United States, incorrect narratives alleged that Africa had no history. The Garveys, and other Black intellectuals, looked to the Nile Valley to show the absurdity of that claim. The pan-Africanism of Garveyism instilled pride in African descended communities and united them against colonial structures. Pan-Africanism factored strongly in President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s conception of the modern nation-state of Egypt. Egyptian scholars from a variety of fields, including Nile Valley studies, continue to understand ancient Egypt as part of a network of African cultures.

Keywords: Amy Jacques Garvey, Marcus Garvey, Gamal Abdel Nasser, pan-Africanism, Egyptology, Egypt


Author Biography

  • Vanessa Davies, Nile Valley Collective, Philadelphia

    Nile Valley Collective, Philadelphia, USANile Valley Collective, Philadelphia, USA


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How to Cite

Egypt and Egyptology in the pan-African discourse of Amy Jacques Garvey and Marcus Garvey. (2022). Mare Nostrum, 13(1), 147-178.