The Pólis, the State and the Citizens of the Athenian Democracy as an Indivisible Community


  • Diego Paiaro University of Buenos Aires



State; Pólis; Athens; Democracy; Anthropology


This paper looks at the recent controversy (with some of its ramifications) about the usefulness of “State” as a concept for the Greek polis in general and for the Athenian democracy in particular. Secondly, some limits of understanding Athenian democratic polis as a society “with” or “without” State are pointed out. Lastly, contributions from political anthropology are taken into account in order to suggest that the Athenian citizens were an undivided community in which power was elided because of the working of some devices that operated to avoid the development of a permanent breakup between rulers and ruled.


Author Biography

  • Diego Paiaro, University of Buenos Aires

    Assistant Professor at the University of Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

The Pólis, the State and the Citizens of the Athenian Democracy as an Indivisible Community. (2018). Mare Nostrum, 9(2), 1-39.