About the Journal


MATRIZes is the scientific journal of the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences at the University of São Paulo. Launched in the second half of 2007, it is intended for the publication of studies whose object is communication in its multiple aspects and dimensions. It hosts theoretical and empirical research on communicational phenomena, media and communicative mediations in social interactions. It is a publication open to reflections on technologies, cultures and media languages in their socio-political and cognitive implications. MATRIZes encourages the transdisciplinary horizon of communicational thinking and aims to resize knowledge and practices that contribute to define, map and explore the new contemporary communication scenarios. At the limit, MATRIZes seeks to be a privileged space for debates from different perspectives in the field of Communication.



Open Access Policy

This Journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


The Journal is classified as A2 in the Capes Communication and Information area, in the 2013-2016 evaluation.

Bounce Rate

In 2019, 98 articles were submitted and 34 were published (28 from Brazilian authors and 6 from foreign authors), with an endogeny (USP authors) of only 12% (4 articles).

Support Sources