The conscious indecision: Qualitative analysis of electoral indecision at the state election in 2014
Undecided vote, public electoral propaganda, elections, 2014, Brazil GoiásAbstract
This is a study on specific characteristics of the undecided voter in relation to the Goiás governor poll, in 2014 elections. The opinion of these electors makes up an important reference to understand the formation process of electoral public opinion, mainly for its remarkable growth in recent years. This paper is based on data collected directly from undecided voters, in the context of a qualitative survey of television reception, developed through family mediation of public electoral propaganda of governor elections in 2014. From the data obtained, it was possible to understand that the process involving vote indecision is more complex and complete than it has been supposed, allowing the notion of “critical undecided voters” and specific arrangements that seek to describe the characteristics of the electoral indecision process.
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