The medium is the mediation: postphenomenological views on datacratic contexts




Postphenomenology, science and technology studies, digital culture, communication epistemology, datacracy


As technological innovations transform communication processes, Jesus Martín-Barbero’s Theory of Mediations continues to play a fundamental role in the epistemological debates about the environment of communications in interactive networks. Social media, which, according to a postphenomenological approach, have intentionality and moral agency, have become the preferential mediations of contemporary communications, turning collective environments into datacracies, regimes in which databases and algorithms have great influence on decision making. The Theory of Mediations, by evidencing the importance of the communicative nature of Culture, is essential for the identification of the influence of communication in contemporary ideological formation.


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Author Biography

  • Luli Radfahrer, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes

    Luli Radfahrer (Luiz Guilherme Antunes) é professor-doutor de Comunicação Digital do departamento de Relações Públicas, Publicidade e Turismo da ECA-USP há 21 anos. Lidera o grupo de pesquisa Datacracia, na área de estudos de epistemologia da comunicação social e interação humano-computador e a incubadora de projetos IRIS.


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How to Cite

Radfahrer, L. (2018). The medium is the mediation: postphenomenological views on datacratic contexts. MATRIZes, 12(1), 131-153.