Media and representation of cynicism in the political drama




Cynicism, daily life, political action, metropolis, media


This essay proposes an investigation on the forms of contemporary cynicism, combining the interpretation of political drama with reflections of the daily life sociology, particularly referring to Simmel, Goffman and De Certeau. In an expanded historical perspective from the 21st century metropolis to the communication media of the 20th century, it proposes a reconstruction of the political action and of certain moment of its imagination. A moment that shall be studied as from its relations with money, time acceleration and sensory overstimulation, which institute a new image of social relations. Cynicism seems to be, in the conditions created by metropolis and media, the cultural form more suitable for management and organization of daily events in public sphere.


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Author Biography

  • Tito Vagni, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione - I.U.L.M.
    Professor de sociologia da mídia na Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione (IULM)


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How to Cite

Vagni, T. (2017). Media and representation of cynicism in the political drama. MATRIZes, 11(2), 79-91.