Refeudalisation revisited

destruction of deliberative democracy




Populism, Authoritarianism, Frankfurt School, Refeudalisation, Public sphere


Donald Trump’s election as American President and the successful referendum campaign to exit the European Union in Britain have prompted renewed interest in the challenges posed to deliberative democracy by right-wing populism. This paper returns to the research on authoritarianism developed by the Frankfurt School in Germany and the United States, particularly to their emphasis on the performative construction of appeals, and to Jürgen Habermas’ later characterisation of the translation of citizens into spectating subjects as a refeudalisation of the public sphere, and argues that these analyses continue to provide indispensable resources for understanding contemporary developments.


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Author Biography

  • Graham Murdock, Loughborough University

    Professor of Culture and Economy at Loughborough University.


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How to Cite

Murdock, G. (2018). Refeudalisation revisited: destruction of deliberative democracy. MATRIZes, 12(2), 13-31.