The critical and invisible epistemology of communication




Political epistemology, communication, language, city, knowledge


This review aims to discuss the precepts of a possible “political epistemology of communication” as suggested by Lucrécia D’Alessio Ferrara in her book A Comunicação que não vemos, considering the imponderability of the communication processes built in extremely complex cultural environments and that are not always clear. To do so, it elucidates how the author pervades the thoughts of a few authors in the field of communication in order to indicate different possibilities of knowledge production, which are guided by doubt and by the elaboration of interferences, and the political implications of this process. Finally, it points out the possibilities of studying the political exercise of a city through such epistemological approach.


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Author Biography

  • Regiane Miranda de Oliveira Nakagawa, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia - UFRB

    Adjunct Professor - Center of Culture, Languages and Applied Technologies (UFRB) and permanent professor of PPG in Communication - Media and Narrative Processes of UFRB.


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Book reviews

How to Cite

Nakagawa, R. M. de O. (2019). The critical and invisible epistemology of communication. MATRIZes, 13(1), 305-310.