Between strike and locaute: ethè in dispute for the place of truth in the ideological scenographies that paralyzed Brazil
Communication, ideology, language, scenography, discursive ethosAbstract
The chaos caused by the road stoppage in Brazil in May 2018 has put in dispute forces that validate themselves in a mediatic enunciative scenario that use fear as a trigger to perpetuate themselves in the collective imagination. In this article we will emphasize the news about an institutional video produced in 2017 by the Federation of Freight Transportation Companies of the state of São Paulo (FETCESP), which supported part of the arguments of the Federal Government to defend the thesis that the stoppage was about a locaute, not a strike. The objective of this work is to analyze the media discourse around the video, whose ethos contributed to the conception of a scenography intended by the government, as opposed to the general strike scenario advocated by the unions. Bateson (1987), in interaction with the studies of the emotions of Damásio and Ekman, anchored in the semiology of Bakhtin (VOLOCHINÓV, 2017) are used as a theoretical contribution. The main theoretical framework for discourse analysis is that of the French school, in particular the scenography and ethos categories of Dominique Maingueneau (2008, 2008b, 2013). The research is exploratory, it is bibliographical, with a qualitative approach. The analysis of the information directs the partial results that the discursive ethos is supported in enunciative scenographies that elicits the fear to generate adherence to the dominant ideology, that Michael Taylor (2006) will call the ideology of the disconnection.
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