Melodrama, excess, and media narratives: a systematization based on the intellectual kinship approach




Comparative study, Intellectual kinship, Media, Melodrama, Excess


This article presents four possible ontologies through the nature, composition, purpose, and location of the relations between excess and melodrama in media narratives. The concept of intellectual kinship is methodologically used over three categories: identification of the common antagonist, evidence of similarity in intercommunication, and enhancement of dissimilarity as the maintenance of autonomy. The conclusions point to the non-consensual nature of melodrama; the binomial understanding of the relational composition between excess/melodrama; disputes concerning the purposes of the action of excess in melodrama; and the recognition that the materialities on which excess and melodrama focus are multiple.


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Author Biography

  • Anderson Lopes da Silva, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    PhD in Communication Sciences, University of São Paulo. Associate researcher at the Research Group in Languages and Discourses in the Media/Grupo de Pesquisa Linguagens e Discursos nos Meios de Comunicação (GELiDis), affiliated to USP/CNPq and the Center of Audiovisual and Serial Fiction Studies/ Núcleo de Estudos em Ficção Seriada e Audiovisualidades (NEFICS), affiliated to UFPR/ CNPq. Researcher at Obitel Brazil Network (UFPR/Unisa Team).


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How to Cite

Silva, A. L. da. (2022). Melodrama, excess, and media narratives: a systematization based on the intellectual kinship approach. MATRIZes, 16(1), 181-207.