Following the paths of the 2020 online anti-racism mobilizations in Brazil
News media, Twitter, Back lives matter, Vidas negras importam, RacismAbstract
This article aims to understand the visibility dynamics around the 2020 online anti-racism mobilization on Twitter and online news media in Brazil. We work with two corpora. The first is a Twitter dataset (n = 5,811,499) with mentions to blacklivesmatter and vidasnegrasimportam from May 12th to July 19th. The second one comprehends 1,650 news stories published in national Brazilian news websites about the same two topics. By analyzing the communication dynamics and temporality on both media, we seek to understand how the issue was treated by journalistic coverage and by users’ mobilization. Our results indicate that Twitter incorporates violence episodes to anti-racism movements before news media do. The latter, in turn, offer a more stable coverage over time.
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