What Is Glocal? Conceptual systematization and new theoretical considerations on the most crucial techno-cultural invention of the media civilization





Media civilization, Glocal phenomenon, Glocal condition


The article presents the glocalization phenomenon’s fundamental characteristics, from its most remote technological origins until its current digital manifestations. According to the proposal, Glocal – neither global nor local, but a mixture of both – refers to processes and tendencies observed in the irreversible track of electronic communication in real-time. Concerning epistemological and empirical dimensions, the argumentation apprehends the glocal and glocalization’s socio-historical significance, focusing on its modus operandi, internal diversification, and multilateral consequences. New authorial considerations enrich the thesis of glocalization as a civilizational process and a mode of reproduction of capitalism.


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Author Biography

  • Eugênio Rondini Trivinho, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

    Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication and Semiotics at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, general coordinator of Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication and Cyberculture (CENCIB) at this institution and researcher of National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).


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How to Cite

Trivinho, E. R. (2022). What Is Glocal? Conceptual systematization and new theoretical considerations on the most crucial techno-cultural invention of the media civilization. MATRIZes, 16(2), 45-68. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v16i2p45-68