The Mediatization of Memory




Collective memory, Memorialization, Halbwachs, Media, Internet


In times of intense mediatization, we face the problem of the potential defragmentation of memory in the face of an open and infinite virtual space. Understanding the role of memory in contemporary societies implies contemplating its mediatized expansion, responsible for the profusion and acceleration with which societies produce memorial traces. This paper presents the main schools of thought in memory studies and traces the current political and social implications of memory. Also, it analyzes the role of media on the very notion of memory, namely, the paradox of digital memory, the shortening and pollution of memory caused by digital media, and the Internet as a kind of palimpsestic memory of the present time.


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Author Biography

  • Samuel Mateus, Universidade da Madeira

    PhD in Communication Sciences. Professor at Universidade da Madeira. Researcher at Labcom. Author of Media Discourse (in Portuguese) (Livros Labcom, 2021).


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