Freire’s vision of development and social change: past experiences, present challenges, and perspectives for the future




Development, Social change, Communication, Paulo Freire, Epistemologies of the South


This article proposes to view Freire’s thinking as a model or even paradigm of communication, development, and social change. To build this as an original argument, we firstly outline Freire’s ontological call, presenting and discussing his underlying five principles. Secondly, we trace Freire’s legacy by presenting and discussing how Freire inspired three significant Ibero-American thinkers, Augusto Boal, Juan Díaz Bordenave, and Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Finally, we deepen our analysis of Freire’s vision of communication, development, and social change, unpacking how he navigates between a normative vision grounded in a utopian aspiration for change, and a very systematic and rigorous methodology, his liberating pedagogy.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Cristina Suzina, Loughborough University London

    Professora e pesquisadora do Institute for Media and Creative Industries da Loughborough University London. Editora do livro The Evolution of Popular Communication in Latin America (Palgrave, 2021).

  • Thomas Tufte, Loughborough University London

    Diretor do Institute for Media and Creative Industries da Loughborough University London e professor extraordinário da University of The Free State, África do Sul. É membro da Academia Europaea.


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Communication: political frameworks and social changes

How to Cite

Suzina, A. C., & Tufte, T. (2021). Freire’s vision of development and social change: past experiences, present challenges, and perspectives for the future. MATRIZes, 15(3), 185-201.