Communication as work of diversity (perspective and methodology)




Evolutionary epistemology, Communication challenge, Variation dimensions, Communication processors


Starting from the procedural variation of communication observed in the world of life and valuing the resulting diversification of research and theories, the article proposes a perspective of knowledge, in an evolutionary epistemology approach, with a scope that overcomes dispersion without restriction of the variety of problems, objects of observation and research objectives. The perspective assumes the diversification capacity of the human species as a communicational challenge and proposes a line of connection between that and the plurality of interactional urgencies occurring in the social environment. The text develops the applicable research methodology and proposes to carry out empirical research to test the perspective.


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Author Biography

  • José Luiz Warren Jardim Gomes Braga, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Professor Titular no PPG em Comunicação da Unisinos (RS) desde 1999, tendo coordenado o Programa de 2002 a 2004. Doutor em Comunicação pelo Institut Français de Presse (1984). Pesquisador 1B do CNPq. Pós-Doutorado no PPG em Comunicação da UFMG. Foi pesquisador no Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (Projeto Saci) e professor na UFPB e na UnB. Foi Presidente da COMPÓS, gestão 1993-95. Autor de "A sociedade enfrenta sua mídia – dispositivos sociais de crítica midiática" (Editora Paulus, São Paulo, 2006) e de outros livros e artigos acadêmicos na área da Comunicação.


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How to Cite

Warren Jardim Gomes Braga, J. L. (2023). Communication as work of diversity (perspective and methodology). MATRIZes, 16(3), 103-120.