Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Visualizing Platformization and its Governance




Antitrust policy, Big tech, Data regulation, Internet governance, Platform economy


The complexities of platforms are increasingly at odds with the narrow legal and economic concepts in which their governance is grounded. This article aims to analyze platformization through the metaphorical lens of a tree to make sense of information ecosystems as hierarchical and interdependent structures. Taking a holistic approach to platformization, this visual metaphor may inspire a set of principles that reshapes the platform ecosystem in the interest of society and the common good.


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Author Biography

  • José Van Dijck, Universiteit Utrecht

    Professora emérita da Universiteit Utrecht e presidente da Academia Real de Artes e Ciências dos Países Baixos. Autora de obras como The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media (Oxford University Press, 2013).


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How to Cite

Dijck, J. V. (2022). Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Visualizing Platformization and its Governance. MATRIZes, 16(2), 21-44.