Refused States: The Effect of Culturalism on Nations with a colonization history




Colonization, Refused State, Minority, Culturalism, Social division


This study anylises the formation of minority states — following Deleuze & Guattari (1997) —, the effect of culturalism in nations with a history of colonization — as proposed by Souza (2019) —, and the influence the economic system has in this process — as per Mandel (1998) as it also acts as an agent of purity — according to Bauman (1998). The culmination of this process divides countries and their populations into two castes, the Europeanized elite and the populace, in a movement that spirals and feedbacks. The elite sees itself as distant from the population and occupies the main information positions in a country, spreading culturalism to all layers of the population.


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Author Biographies

  • Ricardo Zocca, Universidade do Minho

    PhD candidate in Communication Sciences at the University of Minho, Portugal, specializing in the study of the impact of contemporary postmodern life. Interested in understanding the complex relationship between society, technology and culture, he explores the ways in which postmodernism shapes our daily lives.

  • Moisés de Lemos Martins, Universidade Lusófona

    Moisés de Lemos Martins is a Full Professor at Universidade Lusófona in Oporto University Centre (Portugal), where he directs the Faculty of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Information Sciences (FCAATI). He was a co-founder of SOPCOM, LUSOCOM and CONFIBERCOM, scientific associations which he chaired.


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How to Cite

Zocca, R., & Martins, M. de L. (2023). Refused States: The Effect of Culturalism on Nations with a colonization history. MATRIZes, 17(2), 135-151.