Refused States: The Effect of Culturalism on Nations with a colonization history
Colonization, Refused State, Minority, Culturalism, Social divisionAbstract
This study anylises the formation of minority states — following Deleuze & Guattari (1997) —, the effect of culturalism in nations with a history of colonization — as proposed by Souza (2019) —, and the influence the economic system has in this process — as per Mandel (1998) as it also acts as an agent of purity — according to Bauman (1998). The culmination of this process divides countries and their populations into two castes, the Europeanized elite and the populace, in a movement that spirals and feedbacks. The elite sees itself as distant from the population and occupies the main information positions in a country, spreading culturalism to all layers of the population.
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