The Ibero-American space of communication sciences and the epistemologies of the South




Communication sciences, Ibero-American space, Epistemologies of the South, Journals


This article addresses the relationship between the Ibero-American space of communication sciences and epistemologies of the South, raising the question of whether research in this space tends to approach the epistemological South. To answer the question, firstly, the historical and conceptual context of the epistemologies of the South is outlined, and then the main results of an empirical study of an exploratory nature are presented, based on a bibliometric and textual analysis of a significant sample of journals. The main conclusion is that research in communication sciences in the Ibero-American space approaches, in several aspects, the conception of a post-abyssal science proposed by the epistemologies of the South.


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How to Cite

Serra, P. (2023). The Ibero-American space of communication sciences and the epistemologies of the South. MATRIZes, 17(3), 29-54.