Latin America, internationalization and academic reciprocity




ALAIC, Cooperation, Dialogue, Communication


The purpose of this paper is to stimulate a reflective and analytical analysis of actions that have been developed by the Latin American Communication Researchers Association, taking as reference its purposes of being an institutional support for internationalization and the imbalances and challenges in the development of the internationalization of the field. The text sought to systematize the main actions and conceptual, political and academic bases that have guided the institution’s cooperation actions. It is concluded that there is an effort for greater dialogue inside and outside Latin America based on the idea of horizontality, academic reciprocity through initiatives that promote the circulation of content in face-to-face activities and that increasingly use information technologies and contemporary communication.


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How to Cite

Paulino, F. O. (2023). Latin America, internationalization and academic reciprocity. MATRIZes, 17(3), 173-185.