Tupi or not tupi The dialectics of “nobodyness” in Brazilian cinema


  • Maria Regina Paula Mota UFMG




Brazilian cinema, anthropophagi, nobodyness


Th is article analyzes Joaquim Pedro de Andrade fi lm’s Macunaíma (1969) and Garrincha, alegria do povo (1963). Oswald de Andrade’s anthropophagic manifest (1928) and the conception of “nobodyness”, notion that is the opposite of identity, as written by Darcy Ribeiro in his book O povo brasileiro (1995), guide the interpretation of these fi lms. Both concepts are critical about the ontological or essentialist problem that seems to escape whenever we try to apprehend in a totality, the multiplicity that characterizes the Brazilian society. Joaquim Pedro de Andrade contributes for the enlargement of this vision, by recreating the characters or the lack of it, (de)composing the portrait of the Brazilian “nobodyness”.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Regina Paula Mota, UFMG
    Pesquisadora e professora do Departamento de Comunicação Social da Fafich/UFMG. É doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP e realizou o seu Pósdoutorado na ECA/USP, em 2006-2007. Além de artigos sobre cinema e televisão, publicou em livro “A Épica Eletrônica de Glauber, um estudo sobre cinema e televisão”, Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 2001. rmota@fafich.ufmg.br





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How to Cite

Mota, M. R. P. (2008). Tupi or not tupi The dialectics of “nobodyness” in Brazilian cinema. MATRIZes, 1(2), 193-206. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v1i2p193-206