Political web journalism and the online covering of 2002 presidential elections


  • Juliano Borges Faculdade de Comunicação CCAA / Laboratório de Pesquisa em Comunicação Política e Opinião (Doxa/Iuperj)




political communication, internet, web journalism


Brazilian web journals of great companies of communication exist since 1995. However, it was only in 2002 that the electoral journalistic covering in the Internet gained impulse, acquiring relevance in the campaign and constituting itself as political communication phenomenon in the country. In part, it is caused by the high degree of competition of those elections. Nevertheless, the reference that became the political covering online in 2002 is also caused by the matureness and sophistication of vehicles of communication in the Internet, which had been capable to work with great autonomy, but also intensely interacting with its printed versions. Although this phenomenon had been noticed in the United States, in 1996, in the dispute between Clinton and Dole (SELNOW, 1998), and its influence has grown in the following elections (JOHNSON and KAYE, 2003), in Brazil this was the first occasion when the use of the Internet by the candidates was seriously applied with electoral objectives.


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Author Biography

  • Juliano Borges, Faculdade de Comunicação CCAA / Laboratório de Pesquisa em Comunicação Política e Opinião (Doxa/Iuperj)
    Professor da Faculdade de Comunicação CCAA e pesquisador associado ao Laboratório de Pesquisa em Comunicação Política e Opinião (Doxa/Iuperj).





Em Pauta/Agenda

How to Cite

Borges, J. (2008). Political web journalism and the online covering of 2002 presidential elections. MATRIZes, 2(1), 207-225. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v2i1p207-225