Neither rare nor absent – Tentative


  • José Luiz Braga Unisinos



Probability. Tentative communication. Interactional devices. Abductive inferences.


This article proposes a thesis on communicational phenomena, which are considered “tentative”. We have adopted as reference the five theses presented by Ciro Marcondes in 2004 about the rarity of communication, which include a viewpoint about its absence. In conjunction with and extending these arguments, the article develops the proposition that a tentative nature is manifest in the variable probability of achieving communication objectives, as well as in the degrees of imprecision of the process itself. A correlation is drawn between these characteristics and the activities of the participants and socially produced interactional devices. A reflection upon codes and inferences is presented to epistemologically support the proposed thesis. The thesis is then readdressed as a heuristic hypothesis for empirical research and for praxeological work in the field of communication.


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Author Biography

  • José Luiz Braga, Unisinos
    Professor Titular no PPG em Comunicação da Unisinos (RS) desde 1999, tendo coordenado o Programa de 2002 a 2004. Doutor em Comunicação pelo Institut Français de Presse (1984). Pesquisador 1B do CNPq. Pós-Doutorado no PPG em Comunicação da UFMG. Foi pesquisador no Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (Projeto Saci) e professor na UFPB e na UnB. Foi Presidente da COMPÓS, gestão 1993-95. Autor de “A sociedade enfrenta sua mídia – dispositivos sociais de crítica midiática” (Editora Paulus, São Paulo, 2006) e de outros livros e artigos acadêmicos na área da Comunicação.






How to Cite

Braga, J. L. (2011). Neither rare nor absent – Tentative. MATRIZes, 4(1), 65-81.