Children and media: a cultural studies approach


  • D av i d B u c k i n g h a m Institute of Education da University of London



Cultural Studies, children, television, cultural circuit, meanings


Defying the traditional psychology understanding on what are the effects of the media and also the researches made on the subject, the present article offers an approach to the study of the relationship between children and the media, focusing mainly on television. We retrace the Cultural Studies perspective, although the researches from the Birmingham Centre have not worked over such age group.The work includes the model of the cultural circuit, it refuses to understand meaning as something that the media distributes to a passive audience and it states that the audience has an active role but works under conditions strange to its own choice. Regarding children, their relationship with the media is structured and restrained by broader social discourses and institutions that try to define childhood in some given ways.


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Author Biography

  • D av i d B u c k i n g h a m, Institute of Education da University of London
    Diretor do Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, do Institute of  Education da University of London, England.






How to Cite

B u c k i n g h a m, D. av i d. (2012). Children and media: a cultural studies approach. MATRIZes, 5(2), 93-121.