The mediatization of public communication: looking through the discusses of political scandals


  • Patrícia Milano Pérsigo Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Mots-clés :

Media, public communication, scandals, policy


This article is on the Media process of public communication focused on a political scandal named mensalão. The corruption in the Brazilian policy is a recurrent issue in national media and even international. Under this perspective we propose to delineate some implications of the media upon debates of public communication issues. For these we are using Hjarvard studies (2012), Fausto Neto (2006, 2008) and Sodré (2002). On public communication we searched Weber (2009), Duarte (2007) and Brandão (2007). Having observed the site Rede de escândalos we can conclude that the media of issues of public interests is still at a preliminary phase, leaving these issues open to be discussed in a no longer future, hopefully.



Biographies de l'auteur

  • Patrícia Milano Pérsigo, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
    Doutora e Mestre em Comunicação Midiática (UFSM). Professora Assistente do Depto. de Ciências da Comunicação da UFSM, Campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Maria Ivete Trevisan Fossá, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
    Doutora e Mestre em Comunicação Midiática (UFSM). Professora Assistente do Depto. de Ciências da Comunicação da UFSM, Campus Frederico Westphalen





Em Pauta/Agenda

Comment citer

Pérsigo, P. M., & Fossá, M. I. T. (2015). The mediatization of public communication: looking through the discusses of political scandals. MATRIZes, 9(1), 229-241.