Transcending the Everyday: an Analysis of the Family Photographs Produced by Cia de Fotos on Flickr


  • Nina Velasco e Cruz PPGCOM Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Digital photography, family álbum, Cia de Fotos, memory.


This article aims to analyze some photographs produced by Cia de Fotos for the Caixa de Sapato (Shoe Box) project linked to Flickr, in the light of discussions about contemporary digital photography and the sharing of feelings and personal narratives in the virtual world. We will reflect on the relationship between home photography, photographic aesthetics and intimacy, because they are images made by professionals in their intimate day-to-day family life, with a strong aesthetic weight. Starting with authors like Flusser, Bourdieu, Chalfen, Soulages, Lister and Murray, we will analyze the aesthetic standards of these images, which are between amateur and professional, private and shared.


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Author Biography

  • Nina Velasco e Cruz, PPGCOM Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
    Associate Professor in the Post-Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Holds a post-doctorate in the Department of Art History and Social Communication at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, a PhD in Communication Technologies and Aesthetics from UFRJ and an MA in Image Technologies from UFRJ.





Em Pauta/Agenda

How to Cite

Cruz, N. V. e. (2013). Transcending the Everyday: an Analysis of the Family Photographs Produced by Cia de Fotos on Flickr. MATRIZes, 7(2), 265-279.