Model andcontrol of vehicle dynamics and monitoring of attitude and performance


  • Matheus José Oliveira dos Santos Dias Sem registro de afiliação



Dynamics, Optimal Control, Monitoring, Railroad Vehicles


This text begins with the statement of the problem and the objective of proposing a method of controlling and monitoring vehicles on rails in order to improve the safety of the railroad car against overturning. With that in mind, the vehicle was
modeled using principles of Newton-Euler and Lagrangian mechanics, the model represents the lateral dynamics of the train. With the model in hand, the system is studied by observing its behavior in the time and frequency domains, making it possible to
identify their respective natural frequencies and normal modes. To solve the monitoring problem, an application was developed with MIT App Inventor with the intention of taking advantage of the IMU chip present in all modern smartphones. The application
manages to save the information in the device's memory and then export the gyroscope and accelerometer signals, with these signals it is possible to use a complementary filter to measure the roll angle with greater precision. Therefore, with the dynamic model and the monitoring system, an LQR control system is proposed with two electromagnetic actuators acting on the railroad car and bogie, laterally, in order to keep the car roll angle controlled, avoiding overturning of the train. The controlled system is then evaluated at steady state during a curve and the results are discussed.


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Author Biography

  • Matheus José Oliveira dos Santos Dias, Sem registro de afiliação

    Formado em engenharia mecânica com ênfase em aeronáutica pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, possui experiência com modelagem matemática e física de problemas de engenharia, ciência da computação, construção de protótipos e desenvolvimento de produto. Trabalha a mais de 3 anos com Engenharia de Software, realizando desenvolvimento e manutenção de softwares escaláveis com código limpo, em especial sistemas para engenharia de dados e engenharia de Machine Learning.


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How to Cite

Dias, M. J. O. dos S. . (2023). Model andcontrol of vehicle dynamics and monitoring of attitude and performance. Mecatrone, 6(1), 1-21.