Dissidência corporal e monstruosidade em Monstrans: Experimentando horrormônios





Comics, Gender, Sexuality, Monstrans


In 2012, the cartoonist Lino Arruda published the graphic novel Monstrans: experimentando horrormônios, where he explores his experiences with disabilities, transmasculinity, and lesbianity, representing himself shifting shapes between human and creature. The study developed here seeks to analyze this representation, raising questions of dissidente corporealities, gender and sexuality, observing how they are represented by the cartoonist as he narrates and fictionalizes his own experiences. Thus, the theories developed by Groensteen (2015), and Baetens and Frey (2015), the analysis of graphic representation of horror by Reijonen (2021), Klinger’s thesis on writing of the self (2012), as well as the 17th edition of Gender Troubles (BUTLER, 2019), and Paul B. Preciado’s speech to the academy of psychoanalysts in 2019, Can the monster speak?, where he makes observations on trans lives in psychoanalysis theory, were considered in the study


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ARRUDA, Lino. Monstrans: experimentando horrormônios. Campinas, SP: Ed. do Autor, 2021.

BAETENS, Jan; FREY, Hugo. The graphic novel: an introduction. Nova York: Cambridge University Press. 2015.

BUTLER, Judith. Problemas de gênero. 17.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilização Brasileira, 2019.

GROENSTEEN, Thierry. O sistema dos quadrinhos. Nova Iguaçu: Marsupial. 2015.

KLINGER, Diana Irene. Escritas de si, escritas do outro: o retorno do autor e a virada etnográfica. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2012.

REIJONEN, Tiia. Something terrible; or, how graphic style shifts are used to depict the horrific in contemporary horror comics. 2021. Dissertação (Mestrado em Artes). Departamento de Mídia, Design de Comunicação Visual, Aalto University, 2021.

PRECIADO, Paul B. Eu sou o monstro que vos fala: informe para uma academia de psicanalistas. 2019.



How to Cite

Gonçalves, Ícaro S. (2023). Dissidência corporal e monstruosidade em Monstrans: Experimentando horrormônios. 9 Arte (São Paulo), e218395. https://doi.org/10.11606/2316-9877.Dossie.2023.e218395

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