Terminological dictionary of photovoltaic solar energy


  • Renata Tonini Bastianello Universidade de São Paulo



Mots-clés :

Terminology, dictionary, photovoltaic solar energy


The use of photovoltaic panels to produce electricity by means ofsolar energy, as well as the use of other renewable sources of energy, is increasingly viable and needed. With the emergence of this market, contracts, advertisings, manuals and academic books are written in many languages, generating a growing demand for translations. Thus, this work proposes a study of the photovoltaic solar energy terminology in order to compile a bilingual dictionary (Portuguese-French), which will aid translators – who are not, necessarily, experts in the field. The methodology applied to compile and to study the relevant terms of the area is based on the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CABRÉ, 1999) and makes use of Corpus Linguistics and textual matches(DUBUC, 1985). Initial analyses indicate the existence of many French companies in the Brazilian market and the lack of engineering glossaries in the language pair Portuguese-French, facts that highlight the relevance of elaboratingsuch dictionary.




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Comment citer

Bastianello, R. T. (2018). Terminological dictionary of photovoltaic solar energy. Non Plus, 7(Especial), 113-126. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-3976.v7iEspecialp113-126