To photographic colours and William Eggleston, brief reverence




Colour, Attention, Aesthetics, Photography, Eggleston.


This article will focus on the uproar that took place among critics of the photographic art over the installation of the colorful works of William Eggleston in 1976 at MoMA in New York. If the photographic colors were always desired – as the Henisch couple claims, for example, substantiated by their extensive historical documentation, then why was Eggleston so vehemently ridiculed? From the heuristics of aesthetic attention theory, this work seeks to explain how Eggleston’s act foregrounded certain dilemmas to our attention (and therefore, discussion and appreciation), dilemmas that were previously veiled under the unsuspect designation of technical incapacity. 


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Author Biography

  • Wanderley Anchieta, UFF

    Mestrando do PPGCOM da Universidade Federal Fluminense, na linha de Tecnologias e Estéticas da Comunicação, sob a orientação do professor Benjamim Picado. E-mail de contato:


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How to Cite

Anchieta, W. (2016). To photographic colours and William Eggleston, brief reverence. Novos Olhares, 5(1), 111-121.