Visualizing the experience of flight

photojournalistic portraits and refugee migration


  • Maria Nilsson Stock­holm University. De­partment of Media Studies



Photojournalism, Portraiture, Refugees, Humanitarianism, Sweden


This paper explores how photojournalism addresses refugee migration in Sweden, a country currently receiving a large influx of asylum seekers, in particular during a surge in global migration in 2015. Theoretically informed by literature calling for a compassionate visual storytelling focusing on the experience of refugees, the specific focus is on entries in the Swedish Picture of the Year contest. Images of children were particularly prominent among contest entries focusing on forced migration in the examined years, presenting an opportunity to further explore visual representation while also considering portraiture as a photojournalistic genre and visual strategy. A close reading drawing on semiotics and compositional analysis was conducted on images and written contest jury motivations. Findings showed a humanitarian aesthetic, formality as a storytelling tool, and an unresolved tension between showing and shielding young victims of trauma.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Nilsson, Stock­holm University. De­partment of Media Studies

    PhD in Communication Studies, Univer­sity of Iowa, is Associate Professor in the De­partment of Media Studies at Stock­holm University.  Her research focuses on pho­tography and photojournalism in var­ious contexts. Recent publications ad­dress photojournalism and editorial pro­cesses, news photography and ethics, and photo­journalism and citizen eyewit­nessing.


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How to Cite

Nilsson, M. (2020). Visualizing the experience of flight: photojournalistic portraits and refugee migration. Novos Olhares, 9(1).