Artificial imagination and neo-baroque


  • Josep Maria Català Domènech Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



Neo-baroque, Artificial intelligence, Artificial imagination, Posthumanism, Visual complexity


When Calabrese coined the concept of neo-baroque, he did not imagine that the baroque tendency of contemporary visuality would lead to posthumanism. Beyond Artificial Intelligence, now the possibility of an Artificial Imagination appears, driven by new devices that generate images from texts. Thus, the relationship between text and image that the Baroque established by emblematic images is updated, which leads us to ask ourselves if, as Braidotti affirms, a humanly complex posthuman knowledge is feasible and what are the means to achieve it.


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Author Biography

  • Josep Maria Català Domènech, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    Emeritus Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Doctor in Communication Sciences from the UAB. Degree in Modern and Contemporary History from the University of Barcelona. Master of Arts in Film Theory from San Francisco State University. Fundesco Essay Award. Essay prize of the XXVII Literary Contest of the city of Irún. Award from the Spanish Association of Film Historians. He is the author of various books on visual studies, cinema, and documentaries, among them "The setting in images", "Esthetics of the essay", The interface image", "The murmur of images" "Journey to the center of images", " Post-documentary. The imaginary condition of documentary cinema” and “Anatomy of the real. Image, sign, and thought”. He has been dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the UAB and academic director of the Creative Documentary Master's Degree at the same university.


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Calabrese, Omar. (1999) La era neobarroca. Catedra.

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Robbins, J. (2007). Arts of perception: the epistemological mentality of the Spanish baroque, 1580-1720. Routledge.






How to Cite

Domènech, J. M. C. (2023). Artificial imagination and neo-baroque. Novos Olhares, 11(2), 78-85.