About MPB and Longevity


  • José Eduardo Gonçalves Magossi




MPB, Brazilian Popular Music, Record Industry


This article intends to cast the causes that kept Brazilian Popular Music (MPB, from the portuguese initials) in evidence in the last 40 years in the brazilian musical scene, mostly the scene consisting by artists as Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Maria Bethânia and Gal Costa. Through the analysis of the record selling statistics made by a research institute called Nopem between 1965 and 1999, it is understood that these artists virtually never left the annual top 50 selling records. Moreover, between 2000 and 2009, this group of artists also was a constant presence in the soundtracks of Rede Globo’s soap operas. I understand that the longevity of these names is linked to the fact that, since their appearance, they had displayed different musical proposals with social and political critics that gave them intellectual and artistic legitimacy. It has to be highlighted the importance of the television in the consolidation of these artists. With the exposure of the television, they stopped being just voice and music to become image, attitude and behavior.


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Author Biography

  • José Eduardo Gonçalves Magossi
    Graduado em Jornalismo pela Universidade de São Paulo (1991), possui especialização na área financeira e também cultural. Atualmente é repórter especial da Agência Estado, onde desenvolve coberturas voltadas para o setor de bioenergia . Paralelamente ao trabalho na imprensa, desenvolve projetos de produção musical junto às gravadoras, resgatando fonogramas e discos raros de Música Popular Brasileira. É mestrando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais, da ECA/USP, sob orientação do prof. Dr. Eduardo Vicente. E-mail: eduardo.magossi@usp.br






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