Sound Art on Radio: visionaries, avant-garde and alchemists in the air


  • Vanderlei Baeza Lucentini USP



Radio Art, Avant-garde Radio, Sound Art, Electroacoustic Music.


The ideological and economic direction configured the radio as a medium of mass communication in the form of news, entertainment, music, and sports. However, during the twentieth century, the radio has undergone significant changes, often dominant in the underground structure, through the rediscovery of this vehicle as a source of growth for the new possibilities of artistic expression. With the appropriation of the new features offered by technology, some visionary artists, with the support of government, ventured out for new territories and new spatial dimensions to a new audience. In this environment of artistic experimentation arises concrete music, electronic music, electroacoustic music, the radio art, the hörspiel, the docudrama and the relationship of these experiences with a wider audience.


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Author Biography

  • Vanderlei Baeza Lucentini, USP
    Compositor com o enfoque na inter-relação entre música, performance art e mediação tecnológica. Atualmente é mestrando no Programa de Pós-graduação Interunidades em Estética e História da Arte na USP, com a orientação do Prof. Dr. Artur Matuck.


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How to Cite

Lucentini, V. B. (2013). Sound Art on Radio: visionaries, avant-garde and alchemists in the air. Novos Olhares, 2(1), 76-93.