Cosmopolitanism(s) at Time of Media: A contemporary Challenge


  • Renato Cordeiro Gomes



cosmopolitanism, globalization, multiculturalism, network society, subaltern cosmopolitanism


 An Eurocentric conception of cosmopolitanism is questioned by thinkers as K. , Appiah, Walter Mignolo, Silviano Santiago among others, to search possible ressemantizations of the term in the contemporary context, marked by the globalization, the multiculturalism and the expansion of the new technologies of communication. Considering this confrontation of comopolitanisms, this paper inquires how are several interpretations of Brazil, at the beginning of century XX, when the tensions between cosmopolitanism and nationalism had grown up. This research, on the other hand, aims to confront such interpretations with those that appear at the beginning of century XXI, when the nation is anymore the center of a system of signification, at heterogeneous time and of globalization, when is it possible to speak in “cosmopolitismo do pobre” (subaltern cosmopolitanism) formulated by Silviano Santiago.


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Author Biography

  • Renato Cordeiro Gomes
    Professor associado da PUC-Rio, pesquisador 1A do CNPq. Autor de Todas as cidades, a cidade (Rocco, 1994); João do Rio: vielas do vício, ruas da graça (Relume-Dumará, 1996); João do Rio por Renato Cordeiro Gomes (AGIR, 2005); organizou com Izabel Margato as coletâneas (ED. UFMG): O papel do intelectual hoje (2004); Literatura, Política, Cultura (2004); Espécies de espaço (2008); Literatura e Revolução (2011); Novos realismos (2012).






How to Cite

Gomes, R. C. (2014). Cosmopolitanism(s) at Time of Media: A contemporary Challenge. Novos Olhares, 3(2), 14-25.