Social interactions in digital environments: a study on fashion blogs based on Goffman


  • Olga Carolina Pontes Bon Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro



Fashion blogs, Digital environments, Social interaction, Erving Goffman.


The article intends to address some social interaction dynamics that
exists in digital environments, from the analysis of a specific media tool: fashion
blogs. Web pages with this profile won expressiveness, allowing the development
of relevant interational dynamics, arousing several comments with the most
diverse goals. This expressiveness contributed to fashion blogs – with active and
numerous visitors – gain relevance in the fashion field, even outside the web,
indicating the power of these media nowadays. In this sense, new social actors
emerge – the fashion female bloggers – motivating specific and interactive
dynamics. To understand this dynamics, we used some concepts and studies
developed by the Canadian author Erving Goffman.


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Author Biography

  • Olga Carolina Pontes Bon, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
    Mestre em Comunicação Social pela PUC-Rio.


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How to Cite

Bon, O. C. P. (2016). Social interactions in digital environments: a study on fashion blogs based on Goffman. Novos Olhares, 4(2), 91-100.