Stela do Patrocínio: weaving a split figure of herself




Stela do Patrocínio, Chatter, Memory


In this work, we analyze fragments of Stela do Patrocínio's “falatório”, the narrator of Reino dos bichos e dos animais é o meu nome (2001), discussing the specificity of his way of approaching the affects that went through it. We envision presenting and spreading the words, the legacy, of Stela, a woman simultaneously unique and plural. Its value covers the existence of several black women who, like her, ended up "breaking" through a racist system that has reaped the health of the black population historically. Even in unsanitary conditions, his intellectuality, notable in the critical eye she cast on society and its institutions, broke out insurgently. We started this article with the patchwork quilt method (hooks, 2019), interweaving several parts of the work in focus to the considerations of Grada Kilomba, Beatriz Nascimento, Audre Lorde and bell hooks. Thus, we organized this article in three parts: in a first moment, we present the author and the context of production of the corpus under analysis; next, we discussed the loss and search for the image in the talk of Stela do Patrocínio and, finally, we approached the relationship between narrative chimeras (CYRULNIK, 2009) and banzo (NUNES, 2019) in the narrator's discourse.


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Author Biographies

  • Bruna Cassiano, Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA

    Licenciada em Letras – Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte e Especialista em Fundamentos Linguísticos para o Ensino da Leitura e da Escrita pela mesma instituição. Mestra em Literatura e Cultura pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Atualmente, pesquisa e escreve sobre narrativas de mulheres negras na diáspora.

  • Hildália Fernandes , Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA

    Hildália Fernandes Cunha Cordeiro é doutoranda no Programa Literatura e Cultura no Instituto de Letras da Universidade Federal da Bahia, bolsista CAPES, pesquisadora sobre escrita literária de mulher negra na diáspora, mestra em Educação e Contemporaneidade pela UNEB, educadora e escritora.


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How to Cite

Cassiano, B., & Fernandes , H. . (2021). Stela do Patrocínio: weaving a split figure of herself. Opiniães, 18, 318-334.