Call for papers - number 39 - Dossier topic: Communication, UN 2030 Agenda and Organizations



Brazilian Journal of Organizational Communication and Public Relations


Year 2022 – number 39 (May to August 2022)

Deadline for submission of articles: 04/25/2022

Dossier topic: Communication, UN 2030 Agenda and Organizations


Call for papers

The 2030 Agenda was approved at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2015. It was a document signed between the 193 countries, UN members, for the implementation of a global sustainability agenda, represented by the proposition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2030 Agenda is based on the SDGs, which are structured in three dimensions: social, economic and environmental. These dimensions are organized into 17 groups, covering a total of 169 goals (UN, 2015), having as central themes: poverty; hungry; health; education; female empowerment; water and sanitation; energy; work; industry and innovation; economic inequality; cities; production and consumption; climate change; seas and oceans; Earth; peace and justice; and global partnership[1].

The Communication sector and Organizations play a fundamental role in contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Global 2030 Agenda. To effectively promote sustainable development in an integral way, it is essential that organizations (as strategic agents of transformation in the territories) guide their actions by institutional governance principles and policies that allow the monitoring of their impact on the most diverse societies in which they are located. For this, they need to understand the methodological instrument that the 2030 Agenda offers by sizing targets and indicators that allow monitoring and evaluating the quality of their actions. In the same way, the communication sector must also contribute making public knowledge and educational practices, in addition to fostering media convergence in the digital age to raise awareness and make visible agendas, which generate the political, economic and cultural mobilization necessary for the advancement of SDGs, as established by the UN Global Media Compact initiative.

The role of the UN Global Compact[2] is engaging the global private sector to develop actions that contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and to act in accordance with the ten Universal Principles. The Pact includes companies and networks of business organizations; public and third sector organizations, such as associations and federations, civil society entities; in addition to governments, such as mayors, governors, secretaries and ministers.

In this dossier, Organicom Journal seeks to bring together theoretical, applied and empirical studies that encourage different approaches to this topic, with an emphasis on the strategic role of Organizational Communication and Public Relations in the context of public and private institutions, universities and organizations in general, as well as companies in particular, on the policies and initiatives that have been implemented with a view looking forward the SDGs. In this sense, articles covering the following sub-themes will be accepted:


Thematic topics: 

  1. Communication, Organizations and the Culture of the SDGs.
  2. Communication, Organizations and the processes of meaning the SDGs in the hearings.
  3. Economic, social and communicational impact of the SDGs on organizations.
  4. The role of communication for the dissemination of the UN 2030 Agenda.
  5. Communication for the engagement of private, public or third sector organizations with the Global Compact of the 2030 Agenda.
  6. Communication of the 2030 Agenda as a platform for global governance.
  7. Communicational processes for the implementation and territorialization of the SDGs in distinct regions, locations and countries.
  8. The role of universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) in advancing the 2030 Agenda[3].
  9. The communication of programs, civil society initiatives and public policies articulated with the 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Cities, Thousand Cities, Civil Society GT for Agenda 2030, SDGs Strategy, SDG Impact Seal, among other initiatives).
  10. Methodologies and indicators to analyze strategies for implementing the SDGs in organizations.



Coordinators/ Editors:


Emma Torres-Romay (Universidad de Vigo-Galicia-Spain)

Raúl Herrera Echenique (Iberoamerican Forum on Communication Strategies)

Raquel Cabral (Universidade Estadual Paulista- UNESP-Bauru-Brasil)



[1] Available at: < pos2015/agenda2030/>. 2015.


[2] UN Global Compact. Available at: <>

[3] Suggested reading of the technical guide on the implementation of the SDGs in the dimensions of teaching, research and extension in universities and other educational institutions. GUIDE AGENDA 2030: INTEGRATING SDGs, EDUCATION AND SOCIETY. Available at: <>