In the search for new organizational narratives: analysis of audiovisual content and a proposal of a structuring matrix in storytelling


  • Rodrigo Silveira Cogo Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial



Orgnizational communication. Historical responsibility. Organizational memory. Storytelling.


Day-to-day determinations when communicating show a considerable distance between the projection of the identity and the perception generated, which makes it evident that to inform and to communicate are very different instances in the relationship and dialogue process. This is even more radical at a time of multi-protagonism, densification of the sources of trust and an overload of circulating messages. It is in this environment that this study was motivated and proposed: to bring together, analyze, understand, schematize and assist in applying the narrative format of storytelling, particularly the one based on the experience of the evoking source. It concerns the arousal of reminiscence of life histories and their interlacing with the trajectory at a time of organizational agents. An analysis is conducted of the institutional audiovisual content of ten organizations, through a technique of structural analysis of the narrative, with proposal of a structuring matrix of storytelling elements.


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Author Biography

  • Rodrigo Silveira Cogo, Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial
    Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP). Especialista em Gestão Estratégica da Comunicação Organizacional pela ECA-USP. Graduado em Relações Públicas pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Consultor de pesquisa qualitativa da Ideafix Estudos Institucionais. Gerente de Conteúdo da Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial (Aberje), onde também é professor do MBA Gestão da Comunicação Empresarial.



How to Cite

COGO, Rodrigo Silveira. In the search for new organizational narratives: analysis of audiovisual content and a proposal of a structuring matrix in storytelling. Organicom, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 10, n. 18, p. 31–44, 2013. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2238-2593.organicom.2013.139167. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.