Green infrastructure: a natural systems approach to stormwater in the city


  • Nathaniel S. Cormier SVR Design Company
  • Paulo Renato Mesquita Pellegrino Universidade de São Paulo



Landscape architecture. Landscape urbanism. Green infrastructure


This paper presents diverse typologies of urban open space designed as green infrastructure in the american cities of Seattle and Portland. In these cities of the Pacific Northwest, landscape design is viewed as much more than mere beautification of the urban environment, but as pieces of a high-performance infrastructure that protects and even improves urban hydrology, climate, and ecology. Green infrastructure is a landscape approach that creates a distinctive local landscape identity and a more sustainable urban environment.


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Author Biographies

  • Nathaniel S. Cormier, SVR Design Company

    Arquiteto paisagista, mestre em Landscape Architecture pela GSD – Harvard Graduate of Design, ASLA,LEED AP, senior landscape architect na SVR Design Company, Seattle, WA, EUA.

  • Paulo Renato Mesquita Pellegrino, Universidade de São Paulo

    Arquiteto paisagista, mestre e doutor, professor do Departamento de Projeto da FAUUSP, ABAP.




How to Cite

Cormier, N. S., & Pellegrino, P. R. M. (2008). Green infrastructure: a natural systems approach to stormwater in the city. Paisagem E Ambiente, 25, 127-142.