Hidden streams in the city of São Paulo: Tiburtino stream at Lapa





Streams. Memory. Landscape


This scientific paper studies hidden streams in the city of São Paulo, emphasizing one specific case: the Tiburtino stream. It intends to reveal the existence of natural, living watercourses in the city, even though hidden. The cartographic research, in situ exploration, and investigation of newspaper clippings and travel chronicles used to this end aim at acknowledging some streams, hidden from the landscape. The district of Lapa, a region where it is more likely to spot springs and streams, is used as the geographical portion for this study. The identification of a spring in a neighbourhood known as Villa Ipojuca comes as a result of this research. The investigation of this spring led to the detection of a drainage system belonging to a completely hidden watershed – called Tiburtino. The historical investigation established that the integration between the streams and the landscape has been supressed due to processes which deteriorate the watercourses, such as the State’s inefficiency to build a robust drainage system. This is a current issue, where the studied streams were found to release severely unpleasant odors, which means wastewater is still disposed of in the water. The paths presented in this paper date back to the old course the water used to take. The signs these streams left still remain in the urban landscape: narrow streets, manholes, odors, and even the sound of the flowing streams can be noticed. However, rare moments still allow us to observe as water continues to flow, hidden beneath the city.


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How to Cite

Piazzi, M. A. (2017). Hidden streams in the city of São Paulo: Tiburtino stream at Lapa. Paisagem E Ambiente, 39, 241-260. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i39p241-260