Paisagem e configuração espacial no rio de janeiro: os espaços livres urbanos no século 19


  • Mario Ceniquel Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Generally , the main subject is related to the tHesis that there is a landscape design tradition in Rio, built on important urbanistic and environmental movements, held on the city's early history, back in the eighteenth century, during both the governor's and the vice-rey's colonial periods. This process, begun as described, was later on developed during the prodigious nineteenth century, since the Architect Grandjean de Montigny (neo-classicist) until Glaziou (romanticist). It has crystallized out in the twentieth century, firstly in the outstanding and polemic administration of City Major Francisco Pereira Passos (1902-1906) and, lately, in the career of Roberto Burle Marx. The content focuses on french Engineer Auguste Marie François Glaziou (1833-1906), since we consider his work, in the landscape field, the most important one of the nineteenth century In Brazil. It iniciates the firtt consequent discussions about the city of Rio de Janeiro, mainly related to the urban open escapes design and management, creating, as a consequence, the proper background for the escale urbanistic interventions in city, during the twentieth century


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Author Biography

  • Mario Ceniquel, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
    Arquiteto, mestre e doutourado FAUUSP. Professor de projeto de edifícios e paisagismo da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro






How to Cite

Ceniquel, M. (1995). Paisagem e configuração espacial no rio de janeiro: os espaços livres urbanos no século 19. Paisagem E Ambiente, 8, 233-275.